Electronic waste is not a bad thing if handled in the proper manner, as evidence of such waste in a nation is indicative of growth, according to Ulze van Wyk, the managing director of Africa e-waste.
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Last updated April 12, 2019 A new research study conducted by Harris Poll has discovered that Americans are increasingly using
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Last updated April 12, 2019 A new Harris Poll, which was commissioned by Placecast, has shown that Americans are eagerly
Continue readingVirginia municipality urges cell recycling
The term ‘Manassas’ is probably most well-known across the United States as the site of not one but two significant Civil War battles, ones that are called by the phrase ‘Bull Run’ in the North.
Continue readingRules for electronic waste disposal come into force
Rules intended to reduce the use of hazardous materials in electronic and electrical equipment by placing the onus of the management of electronic waste onto manufacturers came into force in India yesterday with guidelines being issued by the Central Pollution Board.
Continue readingStates not equipped to deal with electronic waste recycling
While the boom in information technology, including new and old cell phones, may have changed the lives of those in the middle class in India, the nation is paying a heavy price because of it.
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Last updated April 12, 2019If you are looking for ways to De-clutter your house or apartment and don’t know where
Continue readingCell phones to pay for public transport
Paying for public transport could soon be as simple as just tapping a new or old cell phone if a trial that is set to get underway next month in Auckland in New Zealand proves to be a success.
Continue readingState prepares to enforce new electronic waste rules
The state government of Odisha is preparing to enforce the e-waste Management and Handling Rules 2011, which become the norm all over the country from today.
Continue readingTypical Cell Phone Components Mean Recycling is a Must
Most cell phone users are aware that their mobile handsets are composed of a wide variety of natural and manmade materials.
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