As early as this week, Congress is expected to announce that an investigation by the Government Accountability Office, which lasted a whole year, has found that the cell phone safety regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, which radiation limit rules are as much as 15 years old, are woefully out of date.
Continue readingDropped calls and slow internet top cell phone complaints
Dropped calls and slow internet speeds are among the most common reasons for complaints about new and old cell phones, according to the results of a new survey conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Continue readingCell phone use while walking: The safety issue
According to both personal safety experts and government agency officials, distracted walking is a significant and growing problem in this nation.
Continue readingSun journalist arrested over stolen cell phone scheme
A journalist from Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper The Sun was arrested by police yesterday in regards to the alleged gathering of information via stolen cell phones, it has been revealed.
Continue readingCell phone apps to stop drivers
Despite laws banning the use of new and old cell phones while operating a motor vehicle, drivers continue to make use of the cellular device from behind the wheel and accidents caused by distracted driving continue to take place.
Continue readingCell phones in action: The issue of etiquette
Not so very long ago, nobody had to worry much about public phone etiquette since the only phone anybody could use on a regular basis was located inside a private business or residence.
Continue readingPayments to move from cards to cell phones
The use of credit and debit cards is set to dwindle over time with more consumers using cell phones as the preferred method of making payments via the use of new technology, which removes the necessity of swiping a card, according to Deloitte.
Continue readingMore iPhone details emerging
Some electronics products engender more enthusiasm and loyalty than others do.
Continue readingMurdoch cell phone scandal deepens
The investigation of phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid newspapers in the United Kingdom has expanded to include accusations that some information was taken from stolen cell phones, according to the senior Scotland Yard police officer in charge of the official inquiry.
Continue readingCould cell phones decide next election?
The expert use of email, SMS marketing, and social media in his 2008 campaign made President Obama’s one of the most impressive seen in recent times from any Presidential candidate.
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